Don’t let this happen to you

The other day my friend sent me a text thanking me for my 2024 forecast and prep session.

He had just watched the replay, and this is what he said:

“The biggest thing I took away from it is the fullest permission to create and design our life no matter what is going on in the world. I really needed to hear that.”

That made me SO happy to hear. If there’s one message I could yell from the rooftops for all of humanity to hear right now, it would be: you are a powerful creator, and the world we all live in is co-created by where you put your energy, the stories you tell about yourself and others, and what you believe is possible.

We’re in a massive transition between old and new. God / Love has already won, but we’re still living the linear unfolding of that actually manifesting fully in the 3D.

The old finite consumptive system is crumbling, and it’s doing its darndest to take down as many beings as it can with it.

There’s a major battle over your energy, attention, and intentions.

And one of the old system’s greatest weapons is distraction and delay – pulling your energy into fueling despair, disconnection, and fear, and delaying you from creating your amazing visions right here and now.

Don’t let this happen to you!

Your dreams matter. You are here to be a conduit for miracles. You are meant to birth creations that benefit many many people, and nourish you in the process.

So, if you’ve been letting your precious life force be drained into old trauma dramas…

Or you’ve been feeling like you can’t be happy / healthy / creative because of whatever is going on in the wider world…

Or you've been questioning if your contribution will even make a difference...

This is your permission slip to STOP THAT and commit to your dreams like your life depends upon it (because it does).

It’s only through saying YES to thriving, to healing, to amplifying love, joy, and connection that we will bridge our way into our new experience of life on Earth, for the highest good of all.

And if you have the consciousness to read this email and understand what I’m saying, you are 100% part of the soul group who is here to lead the way.

I encourage you to take at least a few minutes today to make a list of where your energy has been being drained, and make an action plan for calling your focus back.

Then, make a list of the creations / experiences / offerings you have been delaying bringing into form because you’ve been believing that it’s impossible based on external circumstances.

Finally, pick one simple next right action that you can do to start making your vision real. Ask God to help you do it. And then DO IT. Email me when it’s done if you need external accountability.

Big change is made of small moments of choosing to do something new. Every little step counts.

I believe in you!


Divine reminders for you


God has been preparing you