Come back to life.
A 21-day journey to reset, reclaim, and redirect your energy toward what matters most.
Your focus is your most precious resource. Your attention literally creates your world and gives life to everything in it. And in this age of overstimulation, the average person is being pulled in a million different directions. You may have found yourself feeling more scattered than ever – scrolling, consuming, and reacting to the world, rather than consciously creating your experience. You may have a sinking sense that you’re not living your full potential. You may hear the voice of your soul calling to you to make a change, to reclaim your focus, to recommit to life.
If you resonated with this description, I created REVIVAL for you. It’s a gentle, potent guide to releasing distractions, reconnecting with yourself, redirecting your energy, and reawakening your sense of power and possibility.
If your dreams feel neglected, your energy feels drained, and your optimism has waned, REVIVAL will show you the way back to a more peaceful, creative way to live.
I created REVIVAL when I was completely burned out on both creating content for social media and consuming content on social media. I was feeling the ever-increasing frenzy of digital life constantly pulling focus from my deeper legacy creations. I knew I needed more than a basic “digital detox.” I needed to completely reset my relationship with focus, attention, and creation.
Through this 21 day journey you will:
Release the distractions keeping your from truly living and unplug from the external noise.
Reconnect to yourself, to God, to your inner authority, to your YES.
Reawaken your creative power and your ability to bring your dreams to life!
What to expect:
You’ll receive an email every morning for 21 days with practices for renewal, awakening, and inspiration. These resources vary and include audio transmissions, journal prompts, guided meditations, prayers, exercises, challenges, pep talks, and several divine surprises. The program is a practical, research-backed to reclaiming your focus and reawakening your creativity. The daily time commitment is as little as 5 minutes and as much as an hour.
Past REVIVAL participants have reported massive increases in clarity, calm, and creativity. They’ve completed projects they’d been putting off, solved problems that had been weighing on them for ages, reconnected with their loved ones, and they've overall reported a truly joyful, delightful feeling of COMING BACK TO LIFE!
Our 21-day schedule:
Week 1: RESET
You’ll begin by exploring where you’ve been investing your attention and where you need to unplug. This is a week of clearing space and reconnecting with who you are and why you’re here. You’ll identify what matters most to you and welcome inspiration about what’s possible.
You’ll consciously call your energy back, reclaim your focus, and remember what life feels like without so many distractions. You’ll pause and receive divine restoration and guidance. This is the week you’ll be invited to do a full social media and content consumption detox.
You’ll focus on what’s life-giving rather than life-draining. You’ll redirect your attention and focus toward what matters most. You’ll use your revitalized energy to move into aligned action on your truest visions. This is a week of inspired creation!
This is for you if…
You feel overstimulated by the pace of modern life (especially social media and technology!)
You’re craving space to reset and reflect.
You feel distant from your creative inspiration, soul’s voice, and inner authority and want to reconnect.
You want to renew your sense of possibility and return to your service and mission feeling revitalized.
You’re emerging from an inner winter and are ready for a new season of life.
You have been consuming more than you’re creating and want to redirect your power into action and expression.
You want to eliminate noise, clear your channel, restore your faith, and renew your direct connection with God.
You feel like you’re on autopilot, going through the motions in some area of life, and want to reclaim your focus.
You want to devote sacred time and space to choosing yourself and putting your dreams first!
Why 21 days? Because this is the amount of time it takes to create a new habit.
21 days to tip the scales from how things have been to how they could be. To pivot from stagnation and obligation and redirect to inspiration and authentic expression. To reset and realign your means and ends. To stop the momentum of the old and carve a new path.
In REVIVAL, we’re saying yes to divine surprises, fresh starts, creative inspiration, and renewed faith.
21 days can create change — big and small.
Once you set the intention and commit to aligned action, some shifts are instant and others take time.
Only God knows the divine time it will take to harvest these seeds of intention.
And only you can say YES to what’s next.
If you know it’s time to begin again, and you’re ready to dive into a new season of life, creation, and mission, then this 21-day journey is for you.

Ready to release distraction and come back to real life?
Join Now:
“If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for, in detail, ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for.” – Thomas Merton