God is My Boss
Share your gifts. Change the world. Get paid.
You came here to change the world in a way that only you can.
You’ve got a BIG mission on this planet.
You know you’re here to create something that serves the whole.
And you know that you can’t do it with old paradigm hustle or force.
Your world-changing dreams have already been seeded.
You were divinely designed with all you need to bring those visions to life.
And it’s not necessary to sacrifice your well-being, integrity, or values to fund those creations (#cancelcleardelete that programming!).
When you come into right relationship with your gifts, your divine assignment, and your resources, it’s possible to make a positive impact and thrive in the process.
To do it, you need both divine guidance and inspired action — a combination of soul and strategy.
That’s why I created God is My Boss.

If this sounds like you:
+ You’re craving a deeper sense of satisfaction (and magic) in your work
+ You’re feeling under-resourced and you’re tired of trying to analyze your way to abundance
+ You’re feeling like you’re not using your full potential and you’re not sure how to practically share your gifts
Then you’re in the right place.
There’s a divine paycheck with your name on it.
God is the most generous, benevolent employer in the world.
God wants to pay you for your good work.
And you are designed to be provided for abundantly.
The only catch?
You have to do your part, too.
You have to create a way for the money to flow in, by giving your gifts:
Building a business, launching an offer, growing an audience, landing (or creating) your dream job...
Our souls came here to be of service and to find ways to put our innate love into action — to DO something with the gifts we’ve been given, to build things, and to grow.
When you understand that how you do your work is the work, you can relax into understanding that anything done with a loving intention is a powerful contribution.
When you know how to play your part and let God guide the way, anything is possible.
faith + works = income + impact
Most people struggle to get paid for their gifts because they rely too heavily on one side of the divine paycheck equation.
One group is perpetually in action with a hustle-and-grind mentality.
They are too focused on the “how” (marketing, selling, going viral on social media) and not attuned to the deeper “why” — the intention and energy behind their actions.
If this is you, your next step is to create more space to listen (to God and yourself), learn to surrender your ideas, beliefs, and timing, and deepen your relationship with divine guidance.
The other group is more skilled in spaciousness and connecting to their inner world, yet they haven’t opened enough real-world pathways for their gifts to be shared and for their divine compensation to flow.
These folks have a committed daily practice, yet it lacks effective action (especially if they have resistance to leadership or a fear of selling out).
If this is you, your next step is to alchemize your resistance, find your own unique way of translating your gifts into a clear form, and to learn the skills required to ground your visions in the material world.
Each of these groups has something to learn from the other. (And you might see yourself in both!)
Both sides of this equation — faith and works — are necessary for divine co-creation.
Within God is My Boss, we’ll dive deep into both aspects — building your capacity to receive divine support and to take aligned action.
No matter where you are in your journey, you’ll find valuable resources to support the inner attunement and inspired action required to collect your divine paycheck and make your world-changing impact.

Deepening your relationship with God
Developing trust in yourself
Cultivating your unique gifts + talents
Aligning your energy with your efforts
Prayer + miracle-creation
Growing your heart for service
Turning your gifts into offers
Focusing + following through
Taking aligned action
Communicating your message
Launching your offers
Selling as service
God is My Boss teaches you both.
your job + God’s job
Work without God, action without intention, outer without inner = all force, no magic
God without work, intention without action, inner without outer = all vibes, no results
Your job is to ask for guidance. God’s job is to provide that guidance.
God’s job is giving you the vision. Your job is acting on that vision.
God’s job is giving you innate gifts. Your job is GIVING those gifts.
And learning how to offer them to the world in an aligned, authentic, accessible way.
Both aspects are necessary to receive your divine compensation.
The real magic begins when you combine your inner alignment with your outer work — soul and strategy, inspiration and action.
That’s why God is My Boss teaches you both.

On topics ranging from strengthening your connection with God, designing your offers, unlocking your authentic voice, and much, much more.
Submit personal prayer requests and open yourself up to miraculous guidance.
Learning how to go from inspiration to action is an essential divine employment skill. Bring your homework, and practice the art of deep work and focus.
An opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized guidance from Aaron.
Think homework assigned by God / your soul that’s designed for your unique calling.
Guided meditations + prayers for key moments in your divine employment journey (e.g. clearing fears of being seen, calling in your people).
On week 3 of the program, we’ll start a daily reprogramming + identity upgrade practice to help you shed old ways of being and create space for your next level.
Connect with people who share your dreams + aspirations inside our community group (hosted in Circle).
God is My Boss
A 12-week program to help you go from an underpaid visionary to a well-resourced leader without compromising your integrity or sacrificing your well-being.
This is for you if…
You want divine direction on how to find deeper fulfillment and satisfaction in your work.
You’re feeling exhausted and overwhelmed by trying to find the “right” business strategy for your vision, creation, or service.
You feel like your level of income, impact, and fulfillment could improve (whether you work for yourself or are part of a team / company).
You’re at a crossroads or ready to up-level: either work is goin’ great, but you feel a change coming, OR the change has come, and you need to make a new choice.
You want to understand if your destiny includes working for yourself or finding purpose within an existing organization (this program is not just for business owners / entrepreneurs!).
You want to strengthen your connection with God, deepen your relationship with your gifts, and feel genuinely supported in your work.
You’re up for a divine adventure and curious about the unexpected assignments, gifts, and possibilities that await you.
You feel an intuitive YES — something within you knows that this program is the next right step on your path.
This is NOT for you if…
You want a cookie-cutter business model or tactical career strategy (this program is NOT about prescribing a single path; it’s about discerning which of the many possible paths is right for you).
You are not open to divine guidance or willing to follow your own intuitive knowing about your path (I firmly believe that tactics alone will not get you where you need to go).
You’d rather have external praise and fast cash than inner alignment and long-term growth (this approach is about the long game and learning how to receive abundantly in alignment with your values).
You’re not interested in exploring personal responsibility as a pathway for liberation (the only thing you can change is yourself, so that’s your focus!).

Your Journey
All calls are recorded, and you receive lifetime access to the replays and resources.
Week 1: Opening Ceremony
Setting intentions + exploring your vision. Orientation + preparing for the journey ahead.
Live Class: October 21, 1 pm Pacific
Week 2: Your Divine Assignment
The GOD + GIFTS week.
Your gifts + your purpose – collecting data on the past and the future. Your current divine assignment. The sacred contract of your service.
Live Class: October 28, 1 pm Pacific
Week 3: Your New Story
Clearing old ideas about work, yourself, your gifts, God, and life. Your new relationship with yourself: subconscious reprogramming. Your new approach to work: strategies for aligned productivity.
Live Class: November 4, 1 pm Pacific
Week 4: Making Peace with Money
The MONEY week.
Healing money trauma and resetting the field of value exchange. Embracing money as an ally and a tool. Pricing your work and claiming your divine paycheck.
Live Class: November 11, 1 pm Pacific
Week 5: Your Offer + Your People
Clarifying what you’re actually called to offer. Designing your offer, designing your life. Calibrating your service heart. The connection between others’ prayers and your calling.
Live Class: November 18, 1 pm Pacific
Week 6: Integration
This week we have a prayer call instead of a teaching transmission – receive live prayers from me, and practice the art of prayer, divine co-creation, surrender, and opening up to guidance and miracles.
Live Prayer Call: November 25, 1 pm Pacific
Week 7: Sharing Your Message
How to reach your people. Unlocking your authentic voice. How to launch your offers, part 1.
Live Class: December 2, 1 pm Pacific
Week 8: Selling with Soul
How to launch your offers, part 2. How to sell without selling out. Clearing shame and fear about sales. When to act and when to surrender as you share your offer.
Live Class: December 9, 1 pm Pacific
Week 9: Sacred Service
Serving with spirit. Delivering your offers. Staying grounded in the midst of service.
Live Class: December 16, 1 pm Pacific
Week 10: Integration
This week we have a prayer call instead of a teaching transmission – receive live prayers from me, and practice the art of prayer, divine co-creation, surrender, and opening up to guidance and miracles.
Live Prayer Call: December 23, 1 pm Pacific
Week 11: Your Next Steps
Using the past to inform the future, using the future to inform the present. Sustainable service, divine timing, cycles of creation. Setting goals with God. Bonus: 2025 New Years intention-setting practice.
Live Class: December 30, 1 pm Pacific
Week 12: Closing Ceremony
Your mission statement and values. Receive a blessing of your business / career from me!
Live Class: January 6, 1 pm Pacific
Your Assignment
balancing inner + outer, learning + implementing, receiving divine guidance + taking aligned action
Teaching: Each Monday, we’ll meet for a 90-minute teaching transmission. The teaching calls are at 1 pm Pacific / 4 pm Eastern. The replays will be uploaded to Circle within 24 hours, so you can tune in when it works for you.
Implementing: Every Wednesday, there will be an optional “Co-working with God” session at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern. This is a chance to practice the art of deep work to focus and follow through on your divine assignment.
Coaching: Every Friday, I’ll host office hours at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern. I’ll be available in our chat thread on Circle to reply to the questions you’ve submitted throughout the week and offer personal guidance.
Miracle-making: Our class schedule includes two integration weeks, where we’ll gather for a prayer call instead of a teaching transmission. This will be a chance to receive direct prayers from me and practice the art of opening to the miraculous.
Co-working sessions and office hours are optional. Think of it as a chance to get extra support from your classmates and teacher. The space is there if you need it. Otherwise, I’ll see you in class on Mondays!
Note: You’re welcome to show up live to class, ask questions, and connect with others, and you can also watch the recordings in your own time — some people benefit from interactions, while others prefer a self-study approach. We’re all designed differently. Take what you need, leave the rest.

Your Path to Abundance
True abundance means having what you need when you need it.
Being divinely resourced and tapped into your inherent abundance does NOT mean making millions overnight, landing a celebrity client, or quitting your job to move to a remote island (although those things can and do happen!). When you say yes to your divine calling, you enter the realm of the miraculous and mysterious. You DO have a unique path to purpose and prosperity, which may or may not be what you expect.
You're not here to achieve anyone else's results, mimic anyone else's version of success, or match anyone else's divine compensation.
God is My Boss is a unique journey of self-discovery. You'll learn to define success on your own terms, break free from limiting beliefs, embrace your divine assignment, and receive all the necessary resources to bring this dream to life.
This program is about unlocking your full potential, developing self-trust and expanding your sense of possibility, and living a life of service that's truly satisfying to your soul.
God is My Boss is an excellent fit for you if you know you're here to do things differently — to redefine work and mission, to become a living example of authenticity, abundance, and reciprocity, to reunite giving and receiving, and to serve something greater than yourself.
answer the call
answer the call
answer the call
answer the call answer the call answer the call
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12 payments of

“I took God is My Boss during an incredibly stressful time in my business, finances, and life, and it was EXACTLY what I needed to surrender and let abundance flow.
The program was my daily practice in plugging back into Source and dissolving the illusions of my ego and the lies of separation and scarcity. The program helped me to heal decades of over-functioning, and I’ve been talking to God on the daily ever since.”
– Kate Northrup, bestselling author of Do Less and Money: A Love Story
You might be wondering…
The teaching calls are every Monday at 1 pm Pacific / 4 pm Eastern time. The replays will be uploaded to Circle within 24 hours, so that you can tune in when it works for you.
*Every Wednesday, we will have an optional “Co-working with God” session at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern, which is a chance to practice the art of deep work to focus and follow through on your divine assignment.
*Every Friday, I will host office hours at 10 am Pacific / 1 pm Eastern. I’ll be available in our chat thread on Circle to reply to the questions you’ve submitted throughout the week and offer personal guidance.
*NOTE: Co-working sessions and office hours are optional. Think of it as a chance to get extra support from your classmates and teacher. The space is there if you need it. Otherwise, I’ll see you in class on Mondays!
No worries! All the calls will be recorded, and you’ll have lifetime access to the replays. Don’t let your schedule keep you from receiving the resources you need. Some people will benefit from attending the live calls and interacting in the community group. Others will be in self-study mode, watching the replays in their own time, and never making an appearance in the group. Pick the path that works best for you!
When you purchase God Is My Boss 2024, you receive lifetime access to this iteration of the program. You will be able to revisit the content as many times as you want throughout your journey.
Each week is about 90 minutes of learning and about 60 minutes of homework.
You are also encouraged to do a 10-minute daily practice.
Co-working sessions and office hours are optional.
You can keep up with the weekly live classes, or go at your own pace.
I’m on a mission to reclaim the word God. A relationship with my infinitely loving Creator is foundational to my life and work, and this program will be a space for you to deepen your trust in God and your experience of God’s love and truth.
I do not take any ideological stances about what you need to believe about God (other than emphatically standing for the truth that you are infinitely loved and deserve to be free and at peace!). I hold space for you to connect with your inner knowing and let God guide you.
You are welcome to use whatever word feels best for you – God / Holy Mother / Divine Father / Creator / Source, etc. (And if you’re not sure what word resonates, our work in Weeks 1 and 2 will help you get clear).
Not at all. I’ve coached people from all sorts of backgrounds and disciplines, from yoga teachers to astrologers, from CEOs to gardeners, to multi-passionate creatives whose work cannot be reduced to a single descriptor. I’m confident that you can receive all the resources you need by doing what you love — and this program is a fantastic starting point.
Nope! It's a common misconception that working for God means working for yourself / not having a human boss.
While entrepreneurship is a powerful path for many, it's not everyone's design. Giving your gifts within an existing company or organization is just as much divine employment as anything else.
This program will help you determine your current divine assignment and make the most of it, and it'll give you the tools to navigate any potential pivots that come up in the future.
Part of the God is My Boss curriculum is about how to design, market, and sell your offers.
If you’re not an entrepreneur, you can still benefit from these lessons on presenting your work in an aligned way. Instead of using these skills to launch an online program or service, you may use them to build a website, share your story, or launch a project within your organization.
Then that’ll be what you focus on for your first round of God is My Boss! If you show up sincerely and do the work, you will emerge on the other side with a greater understanding of your unique divine assignment and creative ideas about sharing your gifts and getting paid in return.
The core teachings are the same, and the curriculum has been refined, updated, and expanded. Think of 1.0 as the first taste, and 2.0 as the whole meal.
If you are a student of the original version, you received a special offer to join this cohort live. Check your email or reach out to support@aaronxrose.com for details.
If you attend the first call on October 21 and realize this program is not for you, you can email support@aaronxrose.com by Friday, October 25, at 5 pm Pacific Time, and we'll issue you a refund.
After that, all sales are final!
Please make a conscious and empowered decision about this investment.
Email support@aaronxrose.com, and we’ll get you an answer!

Whether your goal is to launch an offer for the first time, to launch an offer WITH GOD for the first time, to deepen your relationship with yourself and your inner guidance, or to bring more intention and fulfillment to your current work, you’ll receive the resources you need to take your next steps.
I’m not here to give you all the answers. I’m here to put you back in touch with the part of you that already has the answers.
In the words of past students…

“Aaron has been a key angel on my evolution team. As a coach, he is a hollow bone with the biggest heart. Every time we have a session or we’re in communication in between, I feel not only seen deeply, but activated! Aaron is masterful in connecting with the soul of his clients and their businesses and supporting the nuance and specificity of their experience, intentions, and dreams.”
– Podcast host
Meet Your Guide
Hi, I’m Aaron.
I’m a transformational coach, mission mentor, speaker, writer, and human being committed to doing my part to create a world where we all thrive as our true selves.
I never thought any of those would be my job title… But here we are! That’s what happens when you say yes to working for God :)
My work blends transformational coaching, subconscious reprogramming, meditation, Universal Law, and prayer to support you in fulfilling your mission, following your own inner compass, and bringing your dreams to life.
After years of uncertainty about my purpose and insecurity about my prosperity, I’ve gone from being a starving activist to a thriving leader. And now I’ve helped hundreds of people align their purpose with their paycheck.
Will you be next?

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See you inside!
“How can I best serve the world?” takes precedence over “What can I get out of this?” Within that realm, we naturally do get a job, we naturally do create money, and we naturally do produce an outer prosperity that reflects the prosperity in our hearts.” – Marianne Williamson